Reno must strike while the iron is hot

Imagine Reno 12 years ago. There are 50,000 fewer people, no baseball stadium and no kayak park. We accounted for train-crossing delays in our daily commutes. It was a different looking town.

Through these years our population leaped by 30 percent. In response, we increased our capacity and added more urban anchor points. Then we were hit with a devastating recession. We had too much capacity, economic opportunity was scarce and once again the City had to readdress its scale of infrastructure.

I owned two small businesses through these years and know firsthand that the only thing that keeps your doors open in a volatile market is how you adjust your business model.

It takes a lot of fortitude to lead a city through an economic roller coaster that lasted a decade and Reno’s City Council did just that. Half of that Council termed out in 2012 and the other half will term out on November 4. Their shoes will be difficult to fill. The right leadership at the right time is everything in sustaining momentum. This is why it’s important that Reno votes on November 4. We elected some good leaders in 2012 and we need to do that again this year and again in 2016. That is how Reno can strike while the iron is hot. Drones, manufacturing and supply chain, tech, education and research are magnetizing toward the #BiggestLittleCity. The market is giving Reno an incredible window of economic opportunity and we need leaders who understand that. We need to innovate now in order to sustain a competitive advantage for the next decade. Vote.


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